Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Use Your Android Phone as a Wireless Modem

Have a laptop but no Wi-Fi? Turn your Android phone into a modem and get your computer connected to the Net in seconds.

You know you can surf the Net on your Android phone--but did you know that the same phone can also enable you to surf the Net from your PC?
We're talking about something called tethering. In a nutshell, tethering allows you to use your smartphone like a wireless modem: You connect it to your computer, then use its 3G connection to get online.
Editor's Note: If you're phone is already running Android 2.2 (as of 7/27/10, its release is limited to the Google Nexus One only), you already have tethering built in to your phone. If you're running 2.1 or lower, read on.

Carrier Considerations

Before you start thinking about tethering with your Android device, you should check with your carrier to learn about its policies and conditions. Some carriers offer their own fee-based tethering services for certain phones; others forbid the practice altogether or assess penalties if they discover you're doing it.
As long as your carrier doesn't object, the only other consideration is data usage. While tethering, you'll be harnessing your phone's 3G connection to use the Internet from a computer, so you will be consuming a potentially sizable chunk of data. If your smartphone plan includes unlimited data, you should be fine; but if your plan allows only a certain amount of data per month, be sure to keep that restriction in mind.

First Steps to Tethering

Carrier-provided options aside, there are numerous ways to tether your phone to your laptop or desktop PC. Many of them require tinkering with advanced configurations on your Android device; we won't be getting into those here. The option we'll be explaining involves little more than installing a couple of programs and clicking on a couple of basic settings.
Let's begin with your mobile phone: Open up the Android Market and search for an app called PdaNet. Download and install it to your phone (it's currently available free of charge).
Once the app is installed, you'll need to download the companion program to your PC. Click over to June Fabrics (that's the name), and select the edition that's right for you. As of this writing, the program supports 32-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7; 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7; and versions 10.5 and 10.6 of Mac OS.
Before you move on to the next step, you need to adjust one setting on your Android phone. From the home screen, tap the Menu key and select Settings. From there, select Applications, and then Development. Now check the box that says USB debugging. When the confirmation dialog box appears, press OK.
This setting allows the PdaNet app to stream data directly from your phone to your PC. It is a setting frequently used by developers. In theory, however, as the confirmation box explains, it could be used maliciously. For your protection, you should go back into this menu and disable the USB debugging setting whenever you are not actively using the tethering function.

Starting Your Connection

Take a deep breath--you're almost done. Plug your Android phone into an open USB port on your PC. Run the PdaNet app on your phone and select the Enable USB Tether option. The app will confirm that you've downloaded and installed its PC-based cousin; click Already installed to continue.
After verifying the connection, the app will tell you that it's on and running as a background service on your phone. Now, go to your PC and look for the PdaNet icon in your system tray--it's a rectangular box that looks like a cell phone. Right-click the icon and select Connect from the pop-up menu that appears.
At this point, everything should be all set (woo-hoo!). The PdaNet PC program should pop up a confirmation that you're connected, and a notification should appear on your desktop informing you that the PdaNet modem is up and running. Your computer is now online through your phone's data connection; you can open a Web page, check e-mail, and do practically anything else you could normally do while connected to the Net.
One final note: You may have noticed that the PdaNet Android app has a second option on its main screen: Enable Bluetooth DUN. If you're using a computer that has Bluetooth functionality, you can connect your phone to your PC wirelessly using this option instead of the Enable USB Tether option discussed above.
For comprehensive tips about Android and reviews of the best apps and devices to help you get the most out of the mobile operating system, order PCWorld's Android Superguide, on CD-ROM or in a convenient, downloadable PDF file.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sparsh by pranav misrty


Pranav Mistry and Suranga Nanayakkara
'SPARSH' lets you conceptually transfer media from one digital device to your body and pass it to the other digital device by simple touch gestures. Our digital world -- laptop, TV, smart phone, e-book reader and all are now relying upon the cloud, the cloud of information. SPARSH explores a novel interaction method to seamlessly transfer something between these devices in a real fun way using the underlying cloud. Here it goes. Touch whatever you want to copy. Now it is saved conceptually in you. Next, touch the device you want to paste/pass the saved content. SPARSH uses touch based interactions as just indication for what to copy, from where and where to pass it. Technically, the actual magic(transfer of media) happens on the cloud.

'SPARSH' website

Speakers Pranav Mistry: MIT grad student

Pranav Mistry is the inventor of SixthSense, a wearable device that enables new interactions between the real world and the world of data.

Why you should listen to him:

Pranav Mistry is a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT's Media Lab. Before his studies at MIT, he worked with Microsoft as a UX researcher; he's a graduate of IIT. Mistry is passionate about integrating the digital informational experience with our real-world interactions.
Some previous projects from Mistry's work at MIT includes intelligent sticky notes, Quickies, that can be searched and can send reminders; a pen that draws in 3D; and TaPuMa, a tangible public map that can act as Google of physical world. His research interests also include Gestural and Tangible Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, AI, Machine Vision, Collective Intelligence and Robotics.
Email to a friend »

Changing destinations

          All travel the path of life
To reach the destinations named “death”
          Meeting travelers on the way
Forgetting many and remembering some,
          All know the truth,
Those moments are for few moments,
          Few hours, Few days
Few months of few years but not any furthur,
          Still many wish a particular ‘traveller’
To accompany them the rest of the path
          Knowing for certain this would never happen
Yet a hope and the wish
          Keeps their trust joyously alive
Only to find the traveller taking
           A completely different path from yours
At the crossroads
           Leaving you all alone and with no choice left
But to resume the ‘Journey’
            But now to a newer destination called ‘Sorrow’

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Some rules of life

These rules are not for just money making but for good life.It is not necessary that maturity should come with age.Maturity is in learning from old mistakes and remember that it does not occur next time.sacrifice your life for a goal and never let any misunderstanding  for that goal.change according to the conditions.We can become sad by progress of others or can get inspired with it, choice is ours.Wish to be the best.It is better to be nonvictorius rather than doing compromisation with it,It produces a sense that i fighted for something.

Always believe in yourself.you do need to give proofs to others.Just get yourself removed from known environment and world, It will increase your confidence.Maintain your group the best.By storing unuseful things, we may not find the useful thing at times.Always have a hobby with which you can use to get out from tense situation.you will remain young by accepting the new rather that sticking at your time.If you cant speak good about someone,then it is good to be silent.

Good relations are necessary for success.we will have to accept the difference in thinking in any relation.do have your eyes in which acceptance exists.never think that i will get smaller in saying sorry for my mistakes.saying sorry will get your status more increased in the mind of a person.Always prefer to say  sorry for your mistakes else it will produce wrong belief in others mind.As we behave good with the unknowns,similarly same good behaviour should be with knowns.A person who smiles and becomes happy seeing you is necessary in life.real taste of file is felled when you live for others.Friendship is a relation which needs to be maintained in both good and bad situations.never underestimate your family on name of busyness.It is not necessary to suggest the way to children's each time.Sometimes let them do the mistakes and learn from it.Experience and responsibility are the best  teachers in world.Always prefer to help a person rather  than selecting good or bad decision for him.under any conditions,be one of the persons solving problem than creating a problem.always try to make the status a compliment which is given to you.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Yahoo! Mail is upgrading: What it means for you.

Yahoo! Mail Beta works best with these browsers:
Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3 and newer, Safari 4 and newer, and Chrome 5. Need to update your browser? Download the latest for free

Sunday, May 01, 2011

What is Leviation

  • the phenomenon of a person or thing rising into the air by apparently supernatural means
  • movement upward in virtue of lightness
  • the act of raising (a body) from the ground by presumably spiritualistic means